PHONE: +420 222 315 255

MON-FRI: 9.00 - 17.00h

  • Board of Directors of OJSC

Board of Directors of OJSC

The Board of Directors consists of:

  • Business management - management of the company in economic, industrial and organizational terms
  • Secretary/agent - makes legal acts on behalf of OJSC externally (articles, General Meeting or Supervisory Board may restrict it, limit, however, is not effective outside), each member of the Board of Directors acts separately on behalf of the company, unless the statutes provide otherwise.

Board of Directors manages the company between sessions of the General Meeting, it is a collective body (at least 3 members, from their elected chairman; does not apply to one-member JSC) and elected (by General Meeting or Supervisory Board, for the maximum term of 5 years - assessed for each member of the Board of Directors separately, repeatability possible) , its members may be appealed ny the body that elected them, they can withdraw (§ 66/1 col. law).

